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Same Kind of Different as Me: : A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. From Wiki: Ron Hall and Denver Moore became best friends through Ron's wife, Deborah. She was very connected with God and she was told to 'save' Denver. Deborah started dying of cancer and Denver, in return, helped Deborah carry on the ministry she had started. There is a memorial that was made for Deborah when she passed, called the Deborah Hall Memorial.  The story, however, goes deeper into the developing personal friendship between two men of entirely different upbringing, and the struggle that is required to make and maintain such a friendship across a wide cultural canyon. The characters struggle with raw and honest emotions, real life situations, and set an example for those who want to be challenged to make a difference in their own lives and those around them. The story also reveals the true level of commitment required to be an effective leader in service to others.