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The Heart and the Fist: The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEALby Eric Greitens.  “Eric Greitens may be one of the most amazing and inspirational people on earth.  While in college at Duke, he took his first overseas trip, which started a love of visiting war-torn areas as a photographer and humanitarian.  He then won a Rhodes scholarship researching these areas, and came to the conclusion that much tragedy and genocide could be avoided by the use of, or threat of, military force.  From this privileged background and opportunities, he joined the NAVY seals program, joining in peacetime of early 2001 and ending with full knowledge that he would go to war.  Just reading about the unbelievable training of our SEALS makes it worth the read, but his attitude on the world turns it into a must-read.  A true American hero.”